Saturday, March 7, 2015

Easy as 1, 2, 3

Several weeks ago as I was in a parking lot about to get into my car when I saw a man with a brace on his elbow.  I distinctively heard the Holy Spirit instruct me to pray with the man for healing.  I was hesitant in responding because I did not know the man, and I was uncertain about how he would respond to my asking to pray with him.  While I was debating these points with the Holy Spirit the man began to approach me.  Well, there it was, a sure sign that I had to pray for him.  So I asked him what was wrong with his arm. He shared with me that he had actually hurt his back and now his arm was being affected.  I then asked if I could pray with him for healing of his back and arm.  I laid my hands on his arm and back (I asked him first if it was okay if I laid my hands on him. As a person who does not like random, strangers touching me, I am always very mindful of this.).  Then I simply said, "I command all pain in your arm and back to go right now in the name of Jesus."  He thanked me. I got in my car and left.  

Three days later I was back in the same parking lot when the man, who is the parking lot attendant, came running toward me.  He said, "Three days no pain." I was not shocked or surprised that the man had been healed; however, I was shocked and surprised that it had been so easy.  There was no fanfare, no tarrying, no fasting, no group of intercessors petitioning to the Father.  It was simply two people who believed. I believed that God could and would heal this man.  If I didn't believe that, I would not have even prayed. He believed that when I prayed he was healed because after I prayed he said that he believed that he was healed.  

Two weeks ago we had a School of Healing at my local church.  The man of God taught about a lot of things in regards to supernatural healing, miracles, signs wonders and salvation. The thing, though, that stood out for me during the three days of services was what he taught about the "Five Second Prayer".  It was very similar to the prayer I prayed for the man.  That's when I realized that God is really easy.  He is so easy and we make Him so hard.  We receive salvation it a pretty simple manner. We believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths and we are saved.  It's pretty easy.  It's the same thing with divine healing or sharing our testimony or leading someone to Christ.  We think it's hard so we don't do it.  I'm in the category too.  I'm always uncertain of how people will react to me, and more times than not this causes me not to approach them at all. The fact is, though, that the majority of the time people always welcome my prayers.  I have only had one person tell me that they didn't want to hear anything about Jesus.

The point is that God equips us with everything we need to do the job He has for us to do.  He has made it easy.  Jesus said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light.  I am daring myself and I dare you to do that thing that seems hard, and prove to yourself that it is easy.  Share the gospel with someone.  Share your personal testimony with someone.  Pray for someone.  Do it.  It's easy.

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