Sunday, September 12, 2010

Genocide of a Generation

This generation is under attack.

In November 2008 a Broward County teen committed suicide live on the internet. Teen suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death among young people ages 15-24.

Another Broward County teen shot and killed a classmate at school also in November 2008. The Children's Defense Fund reports that every day 13 children under the age of 20 are killed, and US News estimates that there are a total 270,000 guns that go to school every day.

In March of this year a 16 year old Virginia native was killed when the car he was travelling in crashed into a tree. The driver of the car, also a teen, was drunk. According to the National Institute of Alcohol and Alcoholism 25% of 8th graders, 49% of 10th graders and 62% of 12th graders have been drunk before.

About 20% of teens will experience depression before adult hood, every year there will be approximately 750,000 teen pregnancies and according to statistics 1/3 of all teen dating involves violence.

I haven't mentioned teen drug use, teens that battle with mental health issues such as bi-polar disorder, teen rape, molestation or child abuse.

Revelation 12:14 says, "... the dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth to devour her child the moment it was born." We know from Jesus' temptation in the wilderness in Luke 4 that Satan is very familiar with the Word of God. He knows that God said in Joel 2:28 that in the last days He has a plan for that generation. It says that your sons and daughters will prophesy. So the enemy's plan is stop that Word from being made manifest on the Earth. His plan is to devour our children through suicide, drugs, alcohol, murder, violence, teen pregnancy, depression and any other tactic he can come up with.

We should not underestimate Satan. The very first description that is given of him in Genesis 3:1 is that he was cunning. The word cunning means subtle and deceptive. The enemy is subtly and deceptively launching an all out attack against our young people. His plan is to wipe them out. His plan is genocide. A genocide is the systematic and deliberate extermination of a race or nationality.

Technically our young people cannot be considered a "race or nationality", but the attack that has been launched against them is both systematic and deliberate. Our counter attack, then, should also be systematic and deliberate. Our strategy - pursue, overtake and recover all.

In I Samuel 30 David had just returned from battle to Ziglag to find that all the women and children had been kidnapped. He and his men mourned. Then he asked God, "Should I pursue the Amalekites? Will I overtake?" David was not interested in recovering material things. He was only interested in the recovering the women and children. God answered David, "Pursue overtake and recover all."

Satan has come into our camp just as the Amalekites had raided Ziglag. Sure he's stolen from us some material things, but more importantly he has lured our children away with drugs, alcohol, sex, depression and violence, and God is instructing us to purse, overtake and recover all. We do this through prayer, fasting and evangelism. "Going out into all the world" means the high schools. Satan used his cunning to get prayer out of schools. As Christians we must get it back in schools. As Christian parents we must declare "as for me and my house we will serve the Lord".

In April through June 1994 nearly one million Rwandans died in a genocide. It came to an end when 14,000 Rwandan soldiers took up arms against the "government" that had initiated the genocide. They seized Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, and declared a cease fire.

The enemy has taken more than a million of our youth. Who is going to take up arms against demonic forces, seize the Earth and declare peace? Who is going stop this genocide?

Kendy Ward

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