Thursday, September 27, 2012

God-Esteem: The Battle Ground

Like God we are also triune beings. We are body, spirit and soul. We are most familiar with our body because it is the physical part of ourselves that is most apparent to us on a daily basis. Our spirit is the essence of life that God the Son breathed into us during creation. It is the part of us that lives forever. It is also the part of our being that we least recognize because we do not see it and do not deal with it on a daily basis, but it is the most important component of our trinity because it is eternal like God. It is the part of us that will either rule and reign with God for all eternity, or be tormented with Satan for all eternity. The other part of our trinity is our soul, which is also composed of three parts – mind, will and emotions. This is where most of our battles take place. Our struggles between good and evil wage in the soulish realm - the mind, will and emotions.

When Satan tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden he did not engage her in physical combat instead he planted an idea in her mind that appealed to her emotions (vanity) and her will to obey God faltered and eventually failed. Satan's tactics have not changed. When engaging us in spiritual warfare, almost every time it starts with a thought he plants in our minds. This is why we have to guard our gates - ears, eyes and mouth against Satan's old tactics.

Copyright 2011 Kendy Ward

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